Simple Steps To Cleansing

Why you want to cleanse

Every day, we are exposed to environmental pollutants, additives, preservatives, heavy metals, pesticides, toxic chemicals and harmful electromagnetic frequencies. As we inhale, ingest or come into contact with these toxins, they get stored in our tissues and cells. Many of these toxins have been proven to be harmful, cancer-causing, or have negative effects on reproductive function, hormonal, metabolic and/or mental health.

Just like you clean you home, the exterior of your body or your car, you want to cleanse your body, internally too! Cleansing helps us naturally reduce inflammation, boost energy, support digestion, metabolic function, hormonal function, promote healthy skin and support our liver.

While many people associate cleansing or detoxing with losing weight or resetting from an unsupportive phase in life,  the truth is that it’s always a good time to be doing some active form of cleansing for optimal health and wellbeing.  The best part about making cleansing a regular part of your life, is that there isn’t a need for a whole big dramatic DETOX or CLEANSE phase that may seem restrictive or punitive. Optimally, we are making daily efforts to promote detoxing and limit intake of harmful substances, however there are times in life, when you may want to wipe the slate clean and CLEANSE for a period of time.

When is the best time to cleanse?

  • Now! Or whenever you feel inspired and motivated to do it.
  • Spring when our body’s are in sync with nature’s rhythm of cleansing and purging from a winter of stagnation.
  • Summer when we move into the lighter version of our body and have more access to fresh food, outdoors and physical activity.
  • When the seasons change – following nature’s cycles and rhythms is always a good time to rejuvenate, reset and instill some positive habits.


If you’re not sure if cleansing is for you or if you want to know more about why you may want to cleanse, this blog Signs You Need to Detox may be helpful.


PRO TIP: you may find that the more often that you cleanse, the more you’ll lean into this way of clean eating and living on an ongoing basis and reduce the need for cleanse phases in your life.


The Myth About Cleansing

Cleanses can feel restrictive and limiting; when really, this process should be a thing you do because you love yourself and want to nourish all aspects of yourself (mind, body and soul), if you do it in the optimal way. If you’re on a strict juice cleanse for a couple of weeks, you’ll feel restricted, deprived and maybe even a little shaken, but if you focus on the following simple cleansing tips, you’ll feel more energetic, focused, and vibrant the next time you embark on a whole foods cleanse.



Effective, Low-Cost Ways to Start Cleansing Today

Drink Plenty of Clean Water

Proper hydration is key to keep digestion regular, to absorb nutrients from food and to remove toxins and waste.  To support digestion, your microbiome (gut health) and reduce inflammation you need about 3 liters of clean water per day.


Eat Protein At Every Meal

Protein is required to build, repair and heal tissues. It’s the primary building block in hormones, bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, blood and enzymes.  Unlike carbohydrates and fats, the body does not store protein for future use and requires an on-going supply provided by your diet.  It’s our main source of energy as it uses important amino acids to the cells. Because healing is the main objective during a cleanse, adequate protein is required. Aim for 20g on average of lean, quality protein at every meal.  Here’s a list of good quality proteins to introduce.


Eat Lots Of Fiber

Fiber is the part of plant foods that our bodies can’t break down, digest or absorb. It is found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. It’s known as roughage or bulk and is required for elimination, bowel regularity and feeling full (along with a host of other benefits). Aim to get 30 – 40 grams of fiber per day to decrease estrogen levels, have regular bowel movements, lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation and remove toxins effectively, plus maintain a healthy body weight.


Load Up On Your Veggies

Eat more non-starchy vegetables during cleansing periods, not only are they full of fiber, antioxidants and loaded with micronutrients, they help with digestion and cardiovascular health too. Look at things like dark leafy greens, mushrooms, berries, crucifers, citrus, and root vegetables to add to your diet.


Choose Organic When Possible

Choose organic products when possible to reduce the overall toxic load, especially when eating products on the Dirty Dozen List (the foods that have the highest amount of pesticide residue, sourced by the Environmental Working Group). Choose free-range, grass fed and organic meats that don’t have any hormones, antibiotics, and preservatives in their products, where possible to reduce your overall toxic load.


Ditch The Sugar

It’s helpful to ditch sugar all together, but it’s extremely important during cleansing! Refined sugars contribute to obesity, diabetes and hormone imbalances, while artificial sugars have similar effects.  Sugar is tricky, our brains are wired to crave more once we have a little. No amount of will power can overrule this innate desire and manufacturers of processed and packaged foods know this, so it’s hidden in all kinds of foods with dubious names. While cleansing, it would be most supportive to completely eliminate sugar, even natural sugars when possible. Second best would be to substitute any sweeteners for natural sweeteners.


Move Your Body

Any form of movement will be helpful during cleansing to assist your body with flushing out toxins and eliminating waste. Because your body may have an increased workload during this time, it can be supportive to your nervous system and your organs of elimination to do gentle forms of exercise, like walking, yoga, pilates, swimming or rebounding. Breath work can also be supportive in delivering oxygen to your cells and promoting detoxification. You can also stimulate circulation with dry skin brushing or infra-red sauna.


Castor Oil Packs

Castor Oil relieves pain, aids circulation, enhances the condition of tissues and organs beneath the skin, stimulates and detoxifies the liver, promotes elimination, eases inflammation, and improves digestion. It is responsible for the elimination of cellular waste. To make a castor oil pack, use organic castor oil topically by applying 2-4 Tbsp of oil to your abdomen or over you liver. Cover with flannel or cotton cloth (an old towel works well too). Cover with plastic bag or wrap so the oil doesn’t stain any other linens. Apply heat if desired (hot water bottle) and rest with the pack on for 45-60 minutes. You can do this 3-4 times per week or every other night for 3 weeks. Not suitable during menstruation or pregnancy.



Enhanced Cleansing Options

You can start to cleanse now: go for a leisurely walk to the grocery store or farmers market and pick up some fresh local produce and make yourself something delicious from the Complete Cleanse Recipe book. This guide is much more than a recipe book, it’s a DIY guide to cleanse on your own.


Or, allow me to guide you with a step-by-step 4 week Complete Cleanse Program. Together, we’ll dive deeper into how to cleanse your body, home and life. This information will last your lifetime, plus you’ll have the contents and guide from the program to use at any time in the future when you want to cleanse again.


Or, consider using my custom Metabolic Balance Nutrition and Weight Loss Program to reboot your metabolism, digestion and hormone function. You’ll go through a simple 2 day cleanse with me before you start following your customized nutrition plan which is created just for YOU, from comprehensive metabolic and hormone function blood testing.


Or, reach out to me privately and let’s explore together what may work best for you.  You can email me here.



Happy cleansing!

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