Is Adaptability Good or Bad?
Recently, I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing extreme opposites. From looking at the experience closer, I couldn’t help but reflect on, how adaptable we really are. Which lead to me to the question: Is being adaptable good or bad? So you’re good at adapting to bad situations? Does make being adaptable is a good quality […]
How I uncomplicated life & discovered what I really need
I would hazard a guess that at some point in your life you’ve realized you have way more stuff than you actually need. It may have been while consciously assessing your surroundings, possessions or personal desires. Or, it may have just occurred to you out of the blue – an urge prompting you to live […]
How I uncomplicated life & discovered what I really need
I would hazard a guess that at some point in your life you’ve realized you have way more stuff than you actually need. It may have been while consciously assessing your surroundings, possessions or personal desires. Or, it may have just occurred to you out of the blue – an urge prompting you to live […]
Healthy Mocktails: My Top 5 Recipes
Do you ever feel like having a special drink, but don’t want all of the sugar, calories and err… ‘artificial colour’ that accompanies alcohol? Me too. Enter the cocktail’s healthy cousin – the mocktail. Still fun, still fancy, the healthy mocktail makes any day a glass-half-full kind of occasion. And, they can easily be turned […]