How to Stopped Feeling Drained & Fatigued

If you’re tired of being tired, feel like you’re running on empty or simply exhausted, you’re going to want to watch this video so you can see what’s draining your internal battery. I want to help you see that what drains your internal battery of energy is far more than just getting older – which […]

How to Recharge Your Energy, Naturally

If you’re tired, lacking energy, feel drained or you feel like you’re running on empty, this post is for you!    When we want to recharge our phone or laptop, we plug it into an electrical outlet to recharge its battery so it can continue to function and we can keep using it.    As […]

Simple Steps To Cleansing

Why you want to cleanse Every day, we are exposed to environmental pollutants, additives, preservatives, heavy metals, pesticides, toxic chemicals and harmful electromagnetic frequencies. As we inhale, ingest or come into contact with these toxins, they get stored in our tissues and cells. Many of these toxins have been proven to be harmful, cancer-causing, or […]

The Relationship of Hormonal Imbalance and Digestive Issues

Sharlene Styles

In this video, I explain the 3 key areas that need to be addressed when attempting to correct the common imbalances of fatigue, stubborn fat and brain fog.     Common symptoms of feeling sick, tired, fat and/or depressed are often attempted to be remedied as an individual problem, with little success, while these three […]

3 Things That Metabolic Balance Can Help With 

For over a decade I’ve spent countless hours studying various principles of nutrition, biochemistry, physiology and anatomy to understand the body’s inner workings, for my own health and that of my clients.    Even with all the information I had, in the past few years I noticed my body was not responding in the same […]


Sweet soul, I hear you.  I hear your plea’s that you want more out of life. More love. More joy. More clarity. More direction. More certainty. More confidence. More self-acceptance. More self control. More discipline. More money.  More collaboration. More simplicity. More, more, more. The natural state of this world and the universe is ABUNDANCE. […]

Improve Your Digestion to Boost Your Energy

Do you remember the saying: “you are what you eat”?  Is it really true? I’d say no.  More accurately, I’d say “you are what you absorb”. It’s sad to think that you can be eating the world’s healthiest foods and not deriving any benefits by eating healthy if you cannot absorb the nutrients in the […]

Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or sad? Eat Maca!

Stress is one of the biggest contributors to wonky hormones, digestive issues, sleep problems, weight gain and adrenal fatigue (or burnout). The sad truth is that stress is a term everyone is familiar with, yet many don’t realize they are under any or even identify that their problems are stress related. Why don’t we feel […]