How to Stopped Feeling Drained & Fatigued

If you’re constantly tired, exhausted or feel drained, you need to look at yourself as the holistic being that you are. Looking at what you eat is a great place to start, but it’s not the only factor that contributes to your energy levels.

I dive deeper into this topic in this video.

I want to help you see that what drains your internal battery of energy is far more than just getting older – which mainstream media or sources may have you believe.

What drains or uses our energy reserves is just as unique as you are.

I share some ideas and examples of what can drain your battery and energy levels (that I explain in more detail in the video).

Here are some factors to consider:

  • Your unique body functions – like inflammation, healing from an injury, strenuous activity, genetics, etc.
  • Stressors: imaged, perceived or real – they all do the same thing to your body
  • Exposure to toxins – alcohol, household products, conventional cleaning products, beauty care products
  • Unsupportive relationships
  • Unsupportive thoughts 
  • Unhealthy food – processed, refined or those that trigger symptoms to you
  • Indoor environments – like air quality, pollutants, artificial lights etc.
  • Technology and screen time 
  • Too much or the wrong kind of exercise


The question now is what drains your personal energy? 

Comment below and let’s see if we can change that.

Much love,



P.S. In this video, I mentioned a resource that can help you management stress – which is one of the biggest contributors to fatigue – here’s the link my Art of Balance, Stress Management Guide along with  a cleanse program that can help you remove harmful toxins that may be robbing your body of cherished energy too!  Complete Cleanse Program

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