Thirsty for Solutions: Natural Remedies for Dry Mouth

As a nutritionist, I often work with clients who experience dry mouth. It’s a common issue, and it can be very uncomfortable. But the good news is that there are plenty of natural solutions that can help. In this article, I’ll explain what dry mouth is, why it happens, how it affects your body and […]

Chew On This: The Connection Between Nutrition and Dental Health

Today I want to dive into the importance of focusing on the food you eat and how it directly impacts the state of your teeth. You see, nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal dental health, and by making mindful choices about what you put in your mouth, you can actively support the well-being […]

Green Tea for Weight Loss and Health

I am always on the lookout for nature’s gifts to enhance our well-being. Today, I share with you the amazing benefits of green tea – a honoured elixir celebrated for its help with weight loss, appetite control, increased energy and overall health. Metabolism Boost: Green tea’s antioxidants (catechins) can rev up your metabolism. This means […]

Grapefruit Basil Smash

What better way to reset and revitalize your wellness journey than with a clean mocktail?  This vibrant and alcohol-free bevy is crafted with natural ingredients so you can savour delicious flavours without compromising on your well-being. As we transition into the new season, why not try a delightful Grapefruit Basil Smash! Grapefruit Basil Smash A […]

The 6 Pillars to Achieve Optimal Health

I want to talk about what holistic health means and the pillars that build the foundation to optimal health. These are the six pillars based on my experience and education, and I’d like to share them with you, show you how you can take it to the next level, and how make them a reality. […]

The Fear of Change – Harnessing the Power of Your Mind

When it comes to a health quest or nutrition protocol, what I find happens is we come into a new version of ourselves with high expectations that something is going to be radically different because we are motivated to make a change. Oftentimes, that change comes from pain that drives us to make some kind […]