At this time of writing on Friday, March 13, 2020, we are sure in an extraordinary and complex time with COVID 19 storming the globe. In many ways it feels over-blown, yet we as humans are taking precautions that seem extreme when combined on a global level. Our cautious measures has led to mass sense of urgency and fear.
BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEMWhile I’m not a microbiologist or an expert in viral strains, I do know that your immune system is your most powerful protection against illness and dis-ease. It isn’t your exposure to a virus that determines your health, it’s your body’s ability to handle exposure that’s important.
GO INWARDThe frenetic energy around our globe has now escalated to new heights. It’s challenging for sensitive souls not feel this askew vibration or see reminders of anxiousness and/or extreme caution everywhere – businesses, shopping centres, schools, governments, social media platforms, news, etc.
CREATE SOMETHING BEAUTIFULWhile external circumstances may be beyond our control at this time, I know you have beauty in you waiting to be born. Perhaps it’s writing something, creating art, making music, making a beautiful meal, re-arranging furniture or your inner landscape, cleaning or purging your home, office or closet. I know that beauty lives in you and is waiting to be unleashed. This is the perfect time to set it free into the world.
TALK TO YOUR FINANCIAL ADVISORThe stock markets around the world have gone cuckoo! Confidence in being able to consume goods has been shaken and therefore COVID-19 has made a historical mark in time and in the financial indexes. Before selling in response to the mass chaos, do yourself a favour and talk to a professional before making any quick hasty or decisions.
SISTERHOODYou may feel like hankering down in a bunker right now to shelter and protect yourself from the surrounding mayhem. Isolations are abound, and it may feel safe to be home and alone right now. While alone time is good and nourishing, so is support from your tribe. Connecting with people that you love and that support your highest good is a great way to increase your own frequency and keep yourself in the state of LOVE.Can you imagine if LOVE was spread at the same magnitude as the fear of this virus has? That is my deepest hope… that the whole world can just take a deep breath together and calm the F*ck down. We collectively have conquered much greater threats than this. Let’s all return to frequency of LOVE together… with that energy we can accomplish ANYTHING and pleasure feels so much better than panic. In sisterhood, calmness and love, |