Coco Nut Power Balls

Here’s a recipe for a quick little bite of protein and fat when you need a little a boost of energy and to help you fill your tank (a.k.a. belly). What you need 1 1/2 c cashews (raw) 6 medjool dates, pits removed 1/2 c nut butter (I used Rainforest nut butter with coconut. It […]

Baked Leek Chips

This is one of my favourite simple salty snacks. The crunchy little leek rings remind me of onion rings, minus all the unnecessary breading. I’ll just caution you in advance… while these little nibbles are nutritious, they are also highly addictive! The only thing about these little dynamo’s is that you need to make them […]

No Bake Nut Butter Oat Bites

Easy, no bake, bites of goodness I just recently stumbled on a new nut butter in my favourite local health food store, The Peanut Mill. I was super excited to sample it and since I don’t derive much energy or nutritional value from eating nut butter on bread, I came up with this little concoction. It’s nothing fancy, […]

Buddha Balls

If you were at the 2014 International Women’s Day luncheon in Niagara Falls, chances are you tried these little wonders. We gave out hundreds and heard the roar of the crowd when they found out there was no gluten or added sugar. The recipe I prepared for the show was a little more elaborate, but […]