Can you drink alcohol and lose weight?

Do you feel like you’re missing out on fun and socializing if you’re not drinking alcohol?   Or feel tempted to drink just by being around others who are drinking—even if no one offers you a drink?   If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are not alone, my friend.   Social […]

Turmeric Latte

There are so many good things to say about turmeric (traditionally called Indian Saffron). And they include a plethora of health benefits. It’s another thing to find ways to use this super food in real life. I find that adding powdered or ground turmeric root to cooked dishes has its limitations. It’s one of those […]

Matcha Mango Smoothie

Smoothies are a convenient way to get high quality nutrients in to your body in short amount of time. Preparation time is minimal, making them a great option for morning meals or when you don’t have time to prepare a proper meal of whole foods, consider blending them all into a shake.  All you need […]

Maca Turmeric Latte – The Hormone Helper Latte

Maca is known as a hormonal adaptogen, which essentially means it contains nutrients that help balance hormones. How does it help? First, it helps balance cortisol levels that may be out of balance due to stress. It can help to prevent the effects of high cortisol and improve the function of the adrenals despite low […]

Maca Coco Latte

Maca is a very unique superfood that supports hormone function/balancing, regulates mood, improves energy, increases libido, ramps up immune function and helps with concentration and focus. If that isn’t enough, it’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids AND tastes great! It’s derived from a root, grown in South America (Peru). It’s slightly sweet with […]

Matcha La-tea

Oh how I love matcha tea! It’s one of my long time, go-to favourite hot drinks.  Yes, the taste may take a bit of getting used to, but I think you’ll soon share the fascination of this healthy drink with me. Matcha has oodles health benefits! In fact, it has the nutritional equivalent to about […]

Pumpkin Coconut Latte (Sans Coffee)

Move over Starbucks! As much as I love the atmosphere you’ve created across the globe to allow a place for visitors and community to gather, some of your concoctions don’t give me the warm and fuzzies. While your hot drinks are brilliant creations of flavours, the ingredients leave me, well… a little under-satisfied.   If […]

Pumpkin Apple Mocktail

I was gifted the most beautiful looking Cinderella pumpkin by a friend, recently. It was my very first attempt at cooking a pumpkin so big and of this variety. I’ve carved enough halloween pumpkins in my day to know that you can cut through them pretty easily. This Cinderella pumpkin however, true to her character, […]

Healthy Mocktails: My Top 5 Recipes

Do you ever feel like having a special drink, but don’t want all of the sugar, calories and err… ‘artificial colour’ that accompanies alcohol? Me too. Enter the cocktail’s healthy cousin – the mocktail. Still fun, still fancy, the healthy mocktail makes any day a glass-half-full kind of occasion. And, they can easily be turned […]

Spiced Chai Tea

There are so many variations of chai tea available. And to be quite honest, my recipe usually changes every time I make some. I generally know what Indian spices I like the flavour of. I throw them in a pot of water, boil then simmer, add some loose leaf tea, milk (nut milk), add a […]

Chilled Hibiscus Ginger Tea

I’ve put a bit of a Jamaican twist on the classic hibiscus tea recipe. The Jamaican secret here is to add pineapple skins to the water when boiling the tea to add a natural sweetness and enhance the flavour, at the same time. Pineapple skins are often discarded. But when travelling through the mountains of […]

Super Power Smoothies

I often get asked about protein shakes and smoothies. The common inquiry I get it, is what ingredients are best suited to for protein shakes? Many people seem to feel pretty secure using fruits in their smoothies as the tastes and textures are familiar. However, once you start blending nutrients for the sake of health, […]