Schizandra: Nature’s Hormone Food

Research has confirmed that compounds found in the berries, called schisandrins, help with supporting nervous system issues, liver issues and coughs. Much of this research, which includes controlled clinical studies with humans, is in China, unfortunately. Even more specifically, with regard to supporting the nervous system, animal studies have found that schizandra can counter the stimulating […]

Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or sad? Eat Maca!

Stress is one of the biggest contributors to wonky hormones, digestive issues, sleep problems, weight gain and adrenal fatigue (or burnout). The sad truth is that stress is a term everyone is familiar with, yet many don’t realize they are under any or even identify that their problems are stress related. Why don’t we feel […]

Maca Turmeric Latte – The Hormone Helper Latte

Maca is known as a hormonal adaptogen, which essentially means it contains nutrients that help balance hormones. How does it help? First, it helps balance cortisol levels that may be out of balance due to stress. It can help to prevent the effects of high cortisol and improve the function of the adrenals despite low […]