The Art of Treating Yourself

When I work with clients, one of the key mental shifts we focus on is changing the perspective from “cheat meals” to “treat meals.” It’s essential to understand that there’s no cheating in life. Viewing food as a cheat carries negative and derogatory connotations, making you feel like you’ve done something wrong. Instead, I encourage […]

The Secret To Achieving Your Goals – The DARE Method Explained

It’s easy to let our health and wellness routines slide. But what if I told you there’s a simple, effective way to stay on track and even thrive? If you’re tired of starting over every season and want lasting results, you’ll want to watch this. I’ll explain why your past efforts may not have worked […]

The Magic Happens in the Middle

Have you ever heard the saying, “The magic happens in the middle”? This concept is all about the power of the in-between moments. It’s in these spaces where ideas are born, creativity flourishes, and true transformation occurs. When we give ourselves time, space, and openness, we allow these magical things to surface. On the flip […]

How to Stop Giving Up and Start Achieving Your Goals

Do you ever start something new, only to feel disappointed with your progress and give up, searching for another solution? Let’s break that frustrating cycle and find a path to lasting success. Today, I want to talk about a powerful approach that can help you achieve your weight loss and health goals. This method isn’t […]

Gut Health Essentials

If you’re here, you’re likely aware of how crucial gut health and digestion are—not only for feeling your best but also for maintaining your energy levels, managing the rate of aging, supporting hormone function, reducing inflammation, and controlling skin issues and weight, especially during midlife. This journey is about more than just avoiding bloating or […]

Gut Health Matters: The Secret to Metabolism, Hormones, and Weight Loss

Gut Health 101: Why does good gut health matter? You may have heard a lot of buzz about gut health lately but what does it really mean? And more importantly, what can you do about it? Today we’ll take a trip down the digestive tract and see why gut health matters, especially when it comes […]

Understanding the Autumn Slump: Beating the Fall Fatigue

Fall is upon us, and while the season ushers in cozy sweaters and pumpkin-spiced everything, it also brings a sense of tiredness and low mood that some of us can’t shake. It’s what I like to call the “autumn slump” – a real thing that impacts many of us as the days grow shorter and […]

The Magic Mineral – Magnesium: Unveiling Its Vital Role and Diverse Forms

In the world of essential minerals, one often goes unnoticed, yet its significance to our health is nothing short of magical – magnesium. This unsung hero plays a pivotal role in maintaining our overall well-being by fueling numerous bodily functions. However, the true magic lies in understanding the different forms of magnesium and how they […]

Thirsty for Solutions: Natural Remedies for Dry Mouth

As a nutritionist, I often work with clients who experience dry mouth. It’s a common issue, and it can be very uncomfortable. But the good news is that there are plenty of natural solutions that can help. In this article, I’ll explain what dry mouth is, why it happens, how it affects your body and […]

Chew On This: The Connection Between Nutrition and Dental Health

Today I want to dive into the importance of focusing on the food you eat and how it directly impacts the state of your teeth. You see, nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal dental health, and by making mindful choices about what you put in your mouth, you can actively support the well-being […]

Green Tea for Weight Loss and Health

I am always on the lookout for nature’s gifts to enhance our well-being. Today, I share with you the amazing benefits of green tea – a honoured elixir celebrated for its help with weight loss, appetite control, increased energy and overall health. Metabolism Boost: Green tea’s antioxidants (catechins) can rev up your metabolism. This means […]

Grapefruit Basil Smash

What better way to reset and revitalize your wellness journey than with a clean mocktail?  This vibrant and alcohol-free bevy is crafted with natural ingredients so you can savour delicious flavours without compromising on your well-being. As we transition into the new season, why not try a delightful Grapefruit Basil Smash! Grapefruit Basil Smash A […]