How Stress Can Affect Your Health

I’m sure you know that stress has long-term negative effects on your body and mind. My guess is that you have felt the effects of stress at some point in your life. It’s my hope that you don’t have don’t have ongoing health issues because of it, however the truth is that stress is the […]
How Stress Impacts Your Metabolism

Let’s face it, stress is part of being a human. Stress is your body’s way of rising to the occasion and attempting to meet a challenging situation. Stress can actually be a good thing. It can help you perform under pressure, motivate you to do your best, and sharpen your concentration. Unfortunately, many […]
Navigating Menopause: How to Reduce Symptoms Naturally

We’ve all heard about menopause, but when it’s your body going through it, it can feel like a completely different journey. No matter what your mom, sister, or friends have experienced, your story will be uniquely yours—shaped by your lifestyle, diet, stress, and even those life experiences we sometimes push aside. It’s like entering a […]
How Stress Affects Hormones

When it comes to hormones, one very important thing is often overlooked. Most people think about estrogen, testosterone or progesterone when they think of hormone issues. They often think a hormonal imbalance is a fluke or a genetic issue, but there is a player that can make everything a mess. STRESS is a major key […]
Haven’t Changed Anything in Your Diet But Getting Fatter?

You are positive that you’re not eating more food or “junkier” food but you’re still gaining weight. Is this possible? Yes! You are NOT crazy! And here’s why…. We both know that the whole “calories in, calories out” argument is an overly simplistic view of weight. There’s definitely more to the story than just what you’re eating, right? A […]
Seaweed Sushi Bowl

Love sushi? Love your thyroid? I have the BEST thyroid friendly iodine recipe for you here! What you need (Serves 2) 1 cup cooked rice 1 avocado, thinly sliced ½ cucumber, diced ½ red pepper, thinly sliced 1 green onion, chopped 2 tablespoons dried seaweed (arame, wakame, or crumbled nori sheets) 2 Tbsp sesame seeds […]
Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or sad? Eat Maca!

Stress is one of the biggest contributors to wonky hormones, digestive issues, sleep problems, weight gain and adrenal fatigue (or burnout). The sad truth is that stress is a term everyone is familiar with, yet many don’t realize they are under any or even identify that their problems are stress related. Why don’t we feel […]
Three Tips To Help Balance Hormones

Balancing hormones is complicated. But you have to start somewhere and there are three things you can do to help which can give you a good idea of the work you have to do. #1/ Lower Stress Lower Stress: When we are stressed, the adrenals work overtime to protect us from what they considered physical […]
Top 6 Stress Reducing Tips

Let’s face it, at some point we all stress our bodies in one way or another. It might be from the pressures of a relationship, job, family or finances. Or, from environmental toxins, processed food and other commercial products that disturb our natural state of health. Stress in the body triggers many biological responses that, […]