Grapefruit Basil Smash

What better way to reset and revitalize your wellness journey than with a clean mocktail? This vibrant and alcohol-free bevy is crafted with natural ingredients so you can savour delicious flavours without compromising on your well-being. As we transition into the new season, why not try a delightful Grapefruit Basil Smash! Grapefruit Basil Smash A […]
Healthy Mocktails: My Top 5 Recipes

Do you ever feel like having a special drink, but don’t want all of the sugar, calories and err… ‘artificial colour’ that accompanies alcohol? Me too. Enter the cocktail’s healthy cousin – the mocktail. Still fun, still fancy, the healthy mocktail makes any day a glass-half-full kind of occasion. And, they can easily be turned […]