Delicious and Super-Easy Walnut Snack

Serves 1 What you need 8 walnut halves 4 medjool dates, pitted What you do Make a “date sandwich” by squeezing each date between two walnut halves. Serve & enjoy! Tip: Try with pecans instead.
Maca Guacamole

I often rave about maca in my ongoing quest to help my clients balance their hormones. Maca is a superfood food that is considered Peruvian ginseng, meaning it is a powerful adaptogen. It is extremely helpful in boosting energy without stressing the adrenals, making it a key food to include when addressing adrenal fatigue or […]
Chocolate Avocado Cookies

This recipe was born during my quest to remove sweeteners (including natural sweeteners that I give my nutritionist thumbs up to) from my diet, in effort to fully support my taxed adrenals and nervous system. During this sweetener free quest, I only used fruit to sweeten meals or snacks that had other macro-nutrients, like good […]
Easy Peas-y Curried Crunchies

What you need 2 c cooked chick peas (use canned if you like or prepare your own by soaking & cooking) 2 Tbsp grape seed oil or coconut oil 1 tsp curry powder 1/2 tsp garlic powder pinch or 2 sea salt What you do Preheat oven to 400 degrees Rinse, drain and pat […]
Health Jacked Cracker Jacks

This little gem of a recipe was born one night when I popped way too much popcorn to eat in one Netflix sitting. I was inspired to do something with my left over popcorn, then I remembered a recipe I’d seen many moons ago… Snapper Dacks Rice Cake Snaps recipe. I scoured my pantry and made […]
Super Balls

These balls filled with Super Powers! Literally. I made these balls one afternoon to satisfy a little chocolate craving and to fuel my tank. I threw a bunch of raw super foods from Truly Organic Foods that I have in my pantry together with some coconut oil and produced little bits of super-charged goodness. They […]