Why We Are Overweight & Overeating
As much as I talk about nutrition, how we balance the body, and how we get to our ideal weight, I don’t often talk about the reason why we actually get here. The whole basis of why are we overweight is because we overeat. It’s simple math. The only reason that our body stores fat […]
The Importance of Balanced Blood Sugar for Midlife Women
What is Blood Sugar and How Does it Affect the Body? As a midlife woman, you may be familiar with the challenges of balancing your hormones, mood, metabolism, weight, and energy. But did you know that your blood sugar plays a crucial role in all of these areas? Blood sugar, or glucose, is the […]
Why Protein Is So Important
So what’s the big deal with protein? Why is there so much hype about protein and the push to eat 20g at every meal? Well, to start the word protein comes from the latin word: proteios, meaning “primary” or “holding the first place”. Protein is of primary importance Protein is an important component for every […]